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Corruption may be word that being trend now. How can? Almost everyone has heard the word "corruption". Children, adolescents, adults, parents, men, women, grandfathers, and grandmothers had ever heard the word corruption. Great! Actually, what cause that make the word "corruption" is so famous in the world?
Actually, what makes the word "corruption" is so famous in the world? general society just to know that corruption is not good deeds. What is bad deeds meant here? How can society respond properly if they do not understand what is called corruption? for that, they need the correct and uniform understanding about corruption and matters relating to corruption. Here is an explanation of what it is corruption, what can be considered as corruption, and how society should respond to the behavior of corruption.
A. What is the Meaning of Corruption?
The fame of the word corruption gives questions for us. Actually what is corruption? Why is it so famous? Some people may not really understand the meaning of the word "corruption". They usually call like that because they only hear from others, or from the news. This situation can make an errors of perception in defining the meaning of the word "corruption". For that, we need a definition which is expected to make people more familiar with corruption. There are some sense of corruption according to some sources.
Actually, corruption comes from the Latin word, corruptio. The word itself has verb "corrumpere" which means rotten, corrupt, undermine, distort, or bribe. Just from meaning of word, Corruption has negative perception; rotten, damaged. It means the action is detrimental. Because rotten is identical to things that are bad.
There is another definition of corruption according to Transparency International. Corruption is the behavior of public officials, politicians or civil servants, which is not fair and not legal enrich themselves or their close, by way of abusing the public power entrusted to them. Clearly, losses to the state is not it? A civil servant, using his power to enrich himself, surely it would harm the state. This action is contrary to the interests of society. It is a shame if there is a public servant to do this. Where national pride?
While in law in Indonesia, there are 13 chapters in Act No. 31 of 1999 jo. Act. 21 of 2001 which describes the corruption. In the law there are thirty-mentioned types of actions, including as an act of corruption. But, in summary measures can be grouped into:
1. Loss of state income
2. Bribery
3. Embezzlement in position
4. Extortion
5. Skulduggery
6. Conflict of interest in procurement
7. Gratuities (gifts)
Viewed from three definitions above, it is clear that corruption is not good deeds, but rotten deeds, very rotten. Why? This action could harm the state in which the perpetrator is a public official. It was embarrassing. Public officials should serve the interests of society, even become an enemy of society. He enriched himself by harm countries that means to harm the community also (although the losses were not directly accepted by society, but slowly.) Want to be what this country if full of corruptor?
Now we already know what corruption is. Do we want to get involved in all matters relating to corruption? Of course not. Many negative effects we get from corruption. In the previous paragraph, there is the word corruptor. Corruptor are people who do corruption. If the word corruptor is less friendly on the ears of ordinary people, how if it is called 'bloated rotten rat'. A name that is perfect for people who do that.
As mentioned earlier, there are seven categories of corruption (in Bahasa is called Tipikor). Generally, we can meet the action in our daily activities.
B. What are the Classifications of Corruption?
We also must know what actions are classified as corruption so that we can prevent and report all sorts of forms of corruption easily. If we do not know what the considered corruption, how do we want to prevent it? The act of corruption has been mentioned previously classified in the previous point. Actions that include corruption described in detail in 13 chapters in Act No. 31 of 1999 jo. Act. 21 of 2001 which are included in the acts of corruption that exist thirty kinds. In the legislation it described the elements of action, including corruption, examples, and his sentence. However, in this article only described the base notions (for more details read a paperback book to understand the criminal acts of corruption "Memahami Untuk Membasmi").
Of the thirty types of corruption can be grouped into seven categories, namely:
1. Loss of State income
2. Bribery
3. Embezzlement in position
4. Extortion
5. Skulduggery
6. Conflict of interest in procurement
7. Gratuities (gifts)
When viewed from the seven category, there are a few of them are already embedded in society. Such as bribery, extortion, fraudulent, and gratuities. It may just mean that the culture of corruption has long been rooted in Indonesian society. No wonder a lot of 'bloated rotten rat' who operate in this country. How corruption does not rooted in the life of the nation if the daily life of corruption has been accustomed?
Now we need to explain notions of the seven groups that include corruptions so that we can sort out what the action is classified as corruption and what it is not.
1. Loss of State income
This is generally done by people who have a job. Included in this group are: make a profit by going against the law and harm the state, abuse of office to make profits and harm the state. In the family, it often occurs. For example, a mother ask her child going shopping, and the child do not return the remaining money to his mother.
2. Bribery
This is an action that flourished in the community. We almost can find bribery easily now. In government, it is also common. Included in this group are: bribing public servants, giving gifts to public servants due to their positions, public servants who accept bribes, public servants who accept bribes because of his position, bribing judges, bribed lawyer, judges and lawyers who accept bribes.
In our life it are also often encountered. For example a student who tried to bribe her teacher to get good value.
3. Embezzlement in position
Included in this class is: public servants misuse money or let the abuse of money, state officials fake evidence for examination administration, state officials destroy evidence or let others damaging evidence or help someone else damaging evidence.
In everyday it is also often encountered. For example, a man who faked his organization's bill in order to get money.
4. Extortion
Extortion has become a popular term in society. Extortion can harm others. Included in this group are: civil servants extort, civil servants extort other civil servants.
It happen in everyday life. For example, a thug who demanded money by force to the victim.
5. Skulduggery
Included in this group are: fraudulent contractor (associated to state ), the project supervisor let his men cheat (associated to state ), a partner TNI/ police cheat, the partner supervisior of TNI/ Police let the fraud , the recipient of the goods the TNI / police let the fraud, public servants steal land state land so make a loss on others.
Act of cheating on tests in everyday life is also an act of corruption.
6. Conflict of interest in procurement
Included in this group is: civil servant follows the procurement that he should manage it.
7. Gratuities (gifts)
Receiving a gift can also be called corruption. Included in this class is: public servants receive gifts and not report to KPK within thirty days.
We often meet it, for example, we receive a gift when we help the person who gave the gift to skip school.
It turned out that in every life we have been surrounded by corruption. No wonder many corruptors in our country. From childhood we have been surrounded by corruption. We already know which items are included corruption. Are we going to let corruption wide? Remember, letting the acts of corruption is doing corruption.
C. Is fighting corruption important?
Corruption groups described in the previous point must be fighted. These actions have many negative effects for the country. The destruction of the country due to corruption. Do we want our country destroyed? Are we willing to bear the consequences of the action of 'bloated rotten rat'? Of course the answer is no, right!
If we get complacent let 'bloated rotten rat' undermining the country's wealth, in the next ten years our country can be left devastated. We must immediately stop the action of 'bloated rotten rat'.
Rampant corruption means:
1. Law enforcement and community services so unorganized
2. Physical development so neglected
3. No mean of achievement
4. Democracy does not work
5. Economy so shattered
Corruption basically torment people. Public also is affected by the stupid action corruption. Are we going to let people become victim rulers are not good-hearted, blind to see the misery of the people, deaf people hear the screams? So it takes a strong resistance fatherly stop it all. Report all kinds of corruption. Stir into KPK. For more advanced Indonesian. Hopefully, Indonesia is free from corruption.
Corruption is the behavior of public officials, politicians or civil servants, which is not fair and not legal enrich themselves or their close, by way of abusing the public power entrusted to them. Behavior corruption is eradicated as soon as possible to avoid the more miserable people.
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